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  • Assessment / Interview

Formative assessment can be any assessment that first and foremost promotes students’ learning. Many refer to this type of assessment as assessment “for” learning.

In contrast, summative assessment, or assessment “of” learning, looks at grades or scores that give a final judgment or evaluation of proficiency.

Assessment “for” learning is usually more informal and includes aspects of teaching. It is formative because it gathers evidence that helps teachers better meet the learning needs of students as well as empowering students to be change agents in their achievement.

Educational assessment is one of the most talked about topics in higher education today.

Despite the admirable goal of improving student learning, the trend toward greater accountability through increased academic testing carries with it a diverse range of educational assessment tools, methodologies, perspectives, and stakeholders.

"Interview" This section lists some popular high school admissions interview questions and provides tips on how to respond to them along with sample responses.

Remember that the interviewer may be more interested in your ability to be confident, articulate and engaging than in the extent of your knowledge or subject-matter expertise.

If today’s mandates for educational testing has you searching for answers, take a dive into the following articles and products that cover topics such as forms of assessment, cognitive demand levels, formative and summative assessments, alternative assessment methods, and evaluative assessment/interview.