we still fail to recognize the same when it comes to our children. Moreover, people have the misconception of seeing counseling as some type of psychotherapy, and hence they try to avoid the topic. But there’s a strong need of counseling in schools, since the formative years of a child is really important in shaping up his future.
The primary motive behind counseling at school level is to address the emotional, social and behavioral needs of the students. And to create a seamless and friendly environment to help each one of them with different approaches. Always remember that school-based professionals provide counseling and not psychotherapy.
Counselling is often provided to those individuals who are considered healthy, but who need special attention to deal with a few particular situations. Many of the parents have a communication gap with their children, and for which the children find it difficult to deal with some of the simplest issues in life. For example, a school counselor must approach a child who is tearful because of a conflict with his classmate and he finds it difficult to address the same to his parents. Most of us become judgmental when it comes to our own child, but this may create a wrong perception about human behavior in his mind. Sometimes, the school authority avoids it, as they think teachers, wardens or a religious preacher can handle the situation. But little do they know that not many of them have the counseling abilities. A counselor is a person with whom the students can explore the strongest part of their confidence level.