IIgives meimmense prideand pleasure to write about DPS which is unique In Itself with state-of-the-an Infrastructure, lush green campus and facllltles to meet the need and requirements of molding the child of 21s1 century for an Inclusive society DPS Is playing a Yitai role in building and enriching the talent & resources of the young buddmg youth of tomorrow into building blocks for transforming India into a developed nation. Our main rocus 1s on discovering, developing and drawing out lhe hidden potential and the magic lying dormant 1ns1de all of ds students. From academics to co-curnrular actMties. perseverance anda never-say-die allltuda are entrenched In the heart of every student not only making them bnl ianl students but good human beings. In t.oday's dynamic world, a 360 degree development and grooming IS of supreme importance and through our campus we create an lnlmlt able environment for future leaders, entrepreneurs and professional who possess skills and aptnudos Inanarray offunctlonal disciplines
ShriAmarnalh Pandey,Honourable Chairman or DPS with h s high lovolthinking to transform his vision into mission has given a new dimension with his thoughts and Ideas In shapingthis premier schoolwilhultra modemfacilities.The students are provided with lnlellectually sllmulaUng academic environment under the guidance of quality teachers. The students are given the best possible exposure and experience so that they will prepare for tomorrow's Ille. The lush green cover at DPS provides excellent living,academic and sports lnfrastru<:ture for the balanced development of all attributes of the personality of the chi d At DPS 1tIs ourendeavor to develop our students into responsible citizensof our great nation so that they can address the challenges of hie effectively and meaningfully. I w1Sh the school good wishes in its forward journey towardshigher peaks of excclloncc